When you open up your pool for the summer season, there are a lot of steps to the cleaning process. Pool cleaning can be a difficult task for some, so in this article, we are going to review some tips to make the process easier.
The first part of pool cleaning when you are opening your pool up is to remove the cover. Pool covers are used in the winter to keep debris out of the pool water.
When you take the cover off you want to make sure you clean it before you store it. This is important so that it will not get your pool dirty at the end of the season.
After you take the cover off you will need to turn on the pool filter. The pool filters pull in dirt and other debris and take it out of the pool. Once the filter is working it’s best to start brushing the bottom of the pool. The bottom of the pool will have a lot of dirt and algae. As the pool gets brushed, the dirt and algae will make their way to the filter.
Finally, you will need to add chemicals. Talk to a pool service if you are unsure about the exact chemicals that your pool needs.