How to Prepare Your Child to Start Preschool

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If you’re getting ready to send your child to preschool for the first time, it’s important to remember that you’re not the only one who needs to prepare. In addition, you should make sure that your child has all of the tools and skills they need to succeed in a preschool environment. Here are three key things that you need to be doing.

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First and foremost, it’s important to talk to your child about preschool. This will help them begin to understand where they’ll be going and what the experience will be like. It’s important to start talking to your child about preschool as early as possible to help them feel excited about a new experience where they’ll get to learn and make friends.

It’s also important to read to your child. Reading will not only help them foster a love for books, but it will familiarize them with activities that they may participate in during school hours. Choose stories about school or books that will help them get more familiar with letters and numbers.

Finally, let your child play! Play is an essential part of the learning process for children, especially in preschool. Make sure you’re making time for your child to engage in play often while they’re at home.


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